Name | Description | Data Controller | Format | Max Length | Always Set | Example |
TransactionID | Internal system transaction ID. | Conferma | Numeric | 10 | Y | 1234 |
TransactionDate | Date the transaction occurred. | Card Issuer | Date | 10 | Y | 2022-01-31 |
TransactionPostDate | Date the cleared transaction was posted to the settlement account. | Card Issuer | Date | 10 | Y | 2022-02-02 |
TransactionAccountAmount | Amount billed in account currency. | Card Issuer | Decimal | 15 | Y | 2500.00 |
TransactionAccountCurrencyCode | Account currency. 3-character ISO currency code. | Card Issuer | Alpha | 3 | Y | GBP |
TransactionMerchantAmount | Amount billed by merchant in merchant currency. | Card Issuer | Decimal | 15 | Y | 2500.00 |
TransactionMerchantCurrencyCode | Merchant currency. 3-character ISO currency code. | Card Issuer | Alpha | 3 | Y | GBP |
TransactionMerchantNarrative | Name or narrative provided by merchant. | Card Issuer | Alphanumeric | 40 | Y | Example Merchant |
TransactionMerchantCountryCode | Country of merchant. 2-character ISO country code. | Card Issuer | Alpha | 2 | N | GB |
TransactionMCC | Merchant Category code. | Card Issuer | Alphanumeric | 10 | N | 7011 |
TransactionAuthorisationCode | Authorisation or approval code from the processor. | Card Issuer | Alphanumeric | 10 | N | 123456 |
TransactionCardLastFourDigits | Last four digits of the VCN. | Card Issuer | Numeric | 4 | Y | 1111 |
TransactionCardIssuerName | Name of the Card Issuer. | Conferma | Alphanumeric | 50 | Y | Example Issuer |
TransactionCardIssuerReference | Card Issuer transaction reference. | Card Issuer | Alphanumeric | 100 | Y | ACB123456789 |
TransactionImportDate | Date transaction was imported. | Conferma | Date | 10 | Y | 2022-02-03 |
TransactionInterchangeFee | Merchant fee applied by card scheme. Showing in the Transaction Account Currency. | Card Issuer | Decimal | 15 | N | 0.15 |
TransactionAuthorisaitonDateTime | DateTime the transaction was first authorised by the processor. | Card Issuer | Date Time | 20 | N | 2022-01-31 10:05:00 |
TransactionType | Enumeration of Transaction Types. | Conferma | Alpha | 50 | N | Posted Transaction Debit |
TransactionMerchantID | Merchant Identifier (MID) provided by the acquirer. | Card Issuer | Alphanumeric | 100 | N | 123456 |
TransactionAcquirerReferenceNumber | Unique transaction reference number provided by the acquirer. | Card Issuer | Alphanumeric | 100 | N | 1234455677 |
TransactionBIN | Bank Identification Number. | Card Issuer | Numeric | 8 | N | 411112 |
Updated about 1 year ago