Response File

The Response File for the Batch process details the success of the request file, including the payment card data.


The file will be PGP encrypted.

File details

File DetailsRequired Information

The <ConsumerFileID> is a unique value that should be provided by the consumer. This section of the file name will be used to create the filename of the response file.
FormatCSV, PGP Encrypted.
Header RecordNo.


Column NameDescriptionIndexFormatQuotedMax LengthExample
StatusStatus of the deployment:
1 = Success
>1 = Error codes
MessageDescription of error.2AlphanumericY100No card account available.
ConsumerReferenceThe unique reference provided by the consumer for the deployment.3AlphanumericY50ABC12345DEFG
DeploymentIDUnique card Deployment ID.4NumericN101234567890
ClientIDThe unique account number provided by Conferma.5NumericN101234
TypeDetails what type of deployment is being made:
3 = Generic
4 = Air
5 = Hotel
6 = Rail
AmountThe amount required on the payment card.7DecimalN1095.00
CurrencyISO 3-letter currency code the amount is in relation to.8AlphaN3GBP
ChargeStartDateThe date the card needs to be available from.9Date (yyyy-MM-dd)N102021-09-01
ChargeEndDateThe date the card needs to be available to.10Date (yyyy-MM-dd)N102021-09-01
CardHolderNameName of the card holder.11AlphanumericY60Conferma Ltd
CardNumberPrimary account number.12NumericN204111111111111111
CardIssuerCard scheme:
VI = Visa
CA = Mastercard
AX = American Express
DC = Diners Club International
CardExpiryMonthNumerical month of card expiry (valid thru).14NumericN211
CardExpiryYearNumerical year of card expiry.15NumericN42025
CardCVVCard security code.16NumericN10123
PaymentEmailStatusStatus flag to show which records have had an email queued:
0 = Not Queued
1 = Email Queued
PaymentFaxStatusStatus flag to show which records have had a fax queued:
0 = Not Queued
1 = Queued