Name | Description | Data Controller | Format | Max Length | Always Set | Example |
SupplierIdentifier | Unique Identifier of supplier. | Integration Partner | Alphanumeric | 50 | N | SUP1234 |
SupplierName | Name of supplier. | Integration Partner | Alphanumeric | 100 | N | My Supplier |
SupplierAddress1 | Address line 1 of the supplier. | Integration Partner | Alphanumeric | 100 | N | 5 Brooks Drive |
SupplierAddress2 | Address line 2 of the supplier. | Integration Partner | Alphanumeric | 100 | N | Cheadle Royal Business Park |
SupplierCity | Supplier address city name. | Integration Partner | Alphanumeric | 100 | N | Cheadle |
SupplierPostalOrZipCode | Supplier postal or zip code. | Integration Partner | Alphanumeric | 30 | N | SK8 3TD |
SupplierCountryCode | 2-character ISO country code. | Integration Partner | Alpha | 2 | N | GB |
SupplierTelephone | Telephone number. | Integration Partner | Alphanumeric | 30 | N | 0161 447 6100 |
SupplierFax | Fax number. | Integration Partner | Alphanumeric | 30 | N | 0161 447 3548 |
SupplierEmail | Email address. | Integration Partner | Alphanumeric | 256 | N | [email protected] |
Updated almost 3 years ago